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SSSC 23 Things Digital - Thing 15 Video Chat, Webinars

Skype, Facetime, Google hangouts, Messenger, Teams, Whats App and Zoom are all good. NHS Attend Anywhere too. So much choice these days. Lockdown has been a quick-fire way to increase people’s digital skills in this way, with online video chat one to one and in group situations a lifeline for some people through lockdown. At work we are encouraged to use Teams for group and one to one meetings, but lots of people seem to still use Zoom as a go to place to hold larger meetings, webinars, training sessions. Training and meetings make so much sense online as it is easy to access without having to travel, or incur travel costs or cost to the environment. Personally, I have attended much more training just because it is more accessible, both for work and for personal interest. Online meetings make much more sense for the same reasons but face to face is still my preference for maybe every second meeting if possible. Trust issues and feeling of connection are much better processed face to face, something that online will never be able to replicate completely. Some service users are too suspicious of the technology to use video chat and feel too at risk to use it, some others are too comfortable using it and forget that others can see them and their homes and can present inappropriately dressed or giving too much away about their home life/environment. It has been wonderful for me to have given tablets out though, through Connecting Scotland, and enabled people who would not otherwise have been able to connect through video chat with loved ones at a distance. Supporting people through online training to increase their digital skills, be able to visually show them online safety through screen sharing and online examples is invaluable and a great way to keep people up to speed with todays world and advantages. I’ve not been part of delivering a webinar but did enjoy delivering online training.