SSSC 23 Things Digital - Thing 22 Improving Outcomes
the Internet of Things (IoT) increases communication, automation, information, monitoring, time, money, efficiency, quality of life – I'm thinking of the wearable diabetes monitors on arms and how much people appreciate not having to prick themselves so much and how much better this encourages people to regulate their diet.
wearable technology such as care call alarms saves lives, so much safer, fitness monitors are fun, inform us to how much or little exercise, sleep, blood pressure monitors are so useful.
virtual reality is a completely artificial reality which is entertainment, education, communication, world view - virtual reality can totally immerse a person in a place they would not otherwise be able to access, and they can therefore learn more about themselves through this including what contributes to their mental health/ holistic health.
augmented reality is like an overly on our real-life situations which can increase vision, assist with training/medical training, design, entertainment, education, it can instantly show where such as defibrillators are situated, show best breast-feeding practice for example, aid with symptom explanations, help nurses find veins.
facial recognition increases security and enables a simpler form of security for people who maybe struggle with passwords, two factor authentication etc. Perpetrator recognition is increased also reducing crime hopefully. Reduced touch points can only be good. Medically genetic disorder recognition is increased. Photo organisation is made easy.
voice recognition personalisation saves time with dictation, accessing online facilities with less touch points/hands free, excellent for those with limited dexterity. Voice recognition boosts productivity, provides better accessibility, connecting people in ways they possibly couldn’t manage previously. It's also a great security enabler too.