SSSC 23 Things Digital - Email

I use CC often as I work within a team and strive for good communication as much as I can. I use BCC to send general info helpful for my Outreach caseload who do not know each other and do not need or want their details shared. A clear subject line helps enormously with finding emails and I often start with my organisation name, to let people immediately see who it is from, then write Re: …... to summarise the content. Usually I direct people to open an attachment or link I have sent and explain what it is as I'm aware some people, especially new ones, need a hand to get used to doing this. I explain to most people I start to work with, who have an email box, that I will send attachments links on occasion but that they need to be very cautious opening links from emails they are not sure of who or where they have come from. I use reply all and forward when appropriate and am used to functionality on iOS, Microsoft, google so can show others how to use this too. I really like Microsoft's focus and unfocused way to sift emails but I sometimes still forget to check junk and spam for something I expected but haven't received. I use folders in all my email accounts, have to to stay on top, although I’m not so good at a clear inbox at the end of the day. I tend to mass delete once a week or fortnight depending on how busy I am. Using different email accounts for different purposes is my way of organising so I have an employment inbox, a self-employed inbox and a personal inbox, all with folders. I have an Eventbrite folder in each account as I watch/train online content so much more now. I don’t keep the five folder system, I prefer to label into different focus folders for easy recall eg holidays and bookings has been handy to slip all the cancelled events etc during lockdown into for reminding me of how to access tickets and discounts etc as they come up again.


SSSC 23 Things Digital - Thing 17 Open Education


SSSC 23 Things Digital - Thing 13 Professional Networks