SSSC 23 Things Digital – Thing 2: Open Badges
SSSC 23 Things Digital – Thing 2: Open Badges
Open Badges: SSSC 23 Things Digital – Thing 1: Blogger Approved on 24 March 2021
Open Badges enable seeing the whole learner, as set in their own personal journey through life, work and learning. Open badges are digital records with links to the learning, assessment and the evidence of the learning. Both formal and informal learning is evidenced with an ability to gain insight into the refection and progression of the learner. Achievement evidenced through Open Badges can be accessed in an online portfolio by all if the learner/person chooses and with interested parties able to find suitable candidates for job roles. Collections of badges can be stored and shared, all in the pone place, using various online platforms: grouped into categories to share with relevant agencies for ease of finding out more about potential employees. Open badges offer a unique validity because they are backed up with evidence.
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