SSSC 23 Things Digital-Thing 23 Next Steps
Working my way through 23 Things Digital has been an effective way for me to learn. I now self-assess myself as ‘High’ on capability, confidence, and relevance on the assessment from Thing 3. On the way along I came to realise I knew more than I believed in some of the ‘things’ content; I have picked up lots of knowledge out with my social care working life, through being a sole trader in the creative industry and all the digital networking etc relevant and necessary there. Conversely, I have learned so much from working through 23 things digital useful in all areas of life and great for confidence, levelling up a general knowledge base and building habit for whatever needs arise next in this ever faster paced world.
I would like to see my workplace utilising more digital resources to improve the connection between people, ideas, training opportunities, accountability and will speak to my line manager about this. We use Teams a lot more in our workplace recently and are slowly getting used to SharePoint and other Microsoft applications useful for sharing information, connecting people/groups/teams and most staff are completely online with case notes etc which is a huge confidentiality issue improvement. I believe there is still merit in using other applications in our workplace, like Coggle, Padlet or Doodle for example, as these are more attractive, easier functionality and are more fun actually. I’ll speak to my line manager. There is certainly much scope for upskilling our service user group by introducing lots of the applications and other learning from 23 Things Digital into their IT journey’s and in supporting them to secure their digital futures. Present needs I am identifying range from confidence in online food shopping to wishing to manage weekly structures better. 23 Things Digital gives me a resource to use with people for short manageable sessions, on subject, in simple language, to enable education and provision of handy resources.
I like the 23 things Approach to learning as each ‘thing’ is a standalone, doesn’t take too long, and I've been able to work through the badges at my pace which has worked so very well alongside my other work and training commitments. Because short sessions have been spaced apart, I have been able to implement a lot of the learning and benefits of the new resources into real workplace needs on the way along, often for the benefit of a supported people. This has been so helpful, through lockdown and bang up to date with today s digital world.
As an organisation we have a new CEO who is about to introduce more in house training, including how to use our Microsoft 365 system. I believe there is scope to introduce a 23 Things Digital type resource alongside this learning to inform and encourage staff on how to use other useful online resources – Digital Legacy for example, I now know, is so important and something we need to build into what we do and how we support people. Training is on my organisation's agenda at imminent meetings where I will share and explain the benefits to me from working through 23 Things Digital and the benefits to my service user group.