SSSC 23 Things Digital – Thing 12: Apps #1

I am delighted to now have the The SSSC Adult Support and Protection App. This is an excellent pocket reference detailing everything from checking understanding on first concerns through to where to go for help right through to the current legislation on all relevant acts. The app is so easy to use with clear headings listed in order of how to check initial concerns on through to as much detail as you need in the acts. It’s the instant accessibility when out and about on my Outreach Work that’s really impressive to me, no need for internet or phone connection to access the info, and it’s free to download. Obviously my organisation has invested in good enough phones to enable enough memory and access to this tool kit on the go, money well spent to ensure staff have all the support they need to provide quality care and support.


SSSC 23 Things Digital – Thing 16: Learning digitally


Open Badge: SSSC 23 Things Digital – Thing 19: Apps #2 Supporting Learning