SSSC 23 Things Digital - Thing 10 Podcasts

Podcasts are excellently enjoyable ways to tune into learning about anything and make learning about work related subjects so much more human and enjoyable.  Listening to a well thought through account of how something like personalisation and self directed support works, as the short podcast I listened to, is like a cross between earwigging into a real life situation and a role play example of how such a service might work for you.  The dialogue between Anne Heron, a Capability Scotland worker, and her interviewer is easy to understand and listen to for anyone and, I imagine, enables listeners to relate to how they can improve the lives of their service users and staff too.  Being able to listen to podcasts is so versatile too, on the go, in private but in public spaces and I think good for using for group situations too, like group training or supervision as a talking and questioning point.  I found the short podcast interesting, I’m all for self-directed support, it's just a shame the social care system doesn’t seem to be able to process the funding for this very easily! 


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